Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Monday, April 24

A snack-time update.

So, yeah, the goal is to have my methods project done by the time I go to bed. However, I just SCARFED a candy bar and half a bottle of pomegranate juice, which was a bad bad idea. My hands are shakey and my head is cloudy and I don't know how long this thing is supposed to be but I'm going to assume five pages is probably sufficient.

There is a boy who sleeps in the library every night from around eight until closing. I assume that as they're locking up, Security finds him and kicks him out. He arrives with no pretensions of trying to study or anything. He just sits in his chair, always the same chair, and slouches down and immediately falls asleep. In the past, I'd see him sleeping in unusual places: study rooms, the Java Joint, and so on. I used to think he had some kind of narcolepsy, but the regularity of this new routine leads me to believe otherwise. It is entirely intentional, though mysterious none-the-less. Occasionally I hear him sigh and I look over and he is smiling in his sleep or nodding his head, or opening heavy eyelids and closing them again. In these moments, I know him more intimately than I know most people here.

And now, back to work? Someone, please come put your feet on my back and maybe hum. These nights are long and lonely!

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