Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Tuesday, April 25

News is slow to reach these dark corners of the Midwest.

It was snowing when I woke up this morning, but it's okay. I have cultivated a new super power: I can walk around looking so pathetically yet endearingly disheveled that people can't resist their urge to hug me. Ha! Take that, bitter, barren winterland.


Troy's porno flick theater Cinema Art is defunct. Now where are creepy old men going to hang out to grunt and leer at me as I drive by late at night? I lovehate the fact that every time I return to that sad city it won't be the same as it was when I left it.

2 Shut your mouth:

Blogger Andrew Aaron Heathwaite said...


Your new blog is enjoyable, and it actually tends to make a bit of sense.

I was also wondering what Troy's perverts are going to be doing with themselves from now on. If I find out, I'll let you know.

I hope you're going to spend some time in Troy this summer before hopping away to your next worldly adventure. We have to sing 'Jem Your Igloo' and 'Feast of Lanterns' at the Grind, remember!!

7:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodness... that's awfully sad...

We should have gone in when we had the chance!

2:29:00 PM  

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