Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Monday, October 9

Technological advances.

They have words and numbers that come from scrambling fingers and scramble through wires to appear unscrambled on another screen somewhere. They have radio airwaves that scramble and unscramble, too. They have phones that don't ring or that ring when you don't want them to, but sometimes never stop ringing. They have live and active yogurt cultures. They have live and active digital pets. They have doors that will slam themselves in other doors faces. They have eject buttons under every chair. They have three dimensional holograms so you can know all your favorite people again. They have robots that will cry themselves to sleep and robots that will stay up all night and worry about that homework you haven't done. They have post office robots that are always open. They have washer-dryer combos. They have robots that will do the exercises for you. They have robots to check your email fifty thousand times per minute. They have transatlantic bridges. They have cars to drive across transatlantic bridges. They have robotic lobsters wearing robotic lobster bibs.

3 Shut your mouth:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic, brilliant blog entry. NO JOKE!
Swooooon. What a writer!
lobstery love

12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they've been waiting for you!

10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they've been waiting for you!

10:50:00 AM  

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