Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Friday, April 28

Newspapers are all lies and/or politics.

Some kind and mysterious person sent me a photo copied article from the Beloit Daily News today. It makes reference to the symposium I did with Shannon and Jordana. As with most newspaper articles that have quoted me, it makes me sound kind of dumb. I definitely said something smarter than, "People like talking about ghosts." Oh well. I guess it's nice to be recognized! I feel like I should mail it to my mom.

Other strange things with the college newspaper and stuff about ownership, censorship, and all that: These kids think they're leaving a legacy by attacking the publication in general and the editor in particular, but it really came across as a dick thing to do. No one got teo see the paper anyway because it was pulled by somebody (Joe thinks the administration, could be) from all the places it was circulated around campus.

0 Shut your mouth:

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