Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Monday, May 22

Johnny R. (And the lesser of all evils).

Discovered the "refill" option at Grindland and drank too much coffee after two hours of watching goddamn adorable little ones place themselves in precarious positions. On a few occasions I had to resist my uptight-grown-up urge to grab and shuffle them out of harm's way. Yeah, I have that. Sometimes. Cool things are happening at the Free School, things that make me wonder about the importance of structure and rules. Social sanctioning seems to be unavoidable. John and I took a post-caffine walk around downtown Troy. He photographed the Pork Store, I pointed out the best places for pizza and senior proms.

I so enjoy making new friends so so so and especially the ones who will like me back. Not so much the other kind.

In more cryptic news: Sunday. Yeah. You know, you know.

I love to make the good girlies wonder.

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