Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Saturday, May 13

Morning insomnia?

So, the honeymoon phase of living in this house has worn off. Three days isn't so bad... Now I'm left with the reality that my room is the biggest mess I've ever seen, and that there is no privacy from my parents except for in my messy room, which I don't want to clean because it reminds me too much of my recent traumatic moving out experience. Somehow the two of them manage to take up all of the rest of the space. My mom wants to go with me to Philidelphia for my job training shindig and I want to say no no no.

Ughhh, I need to be a grown up now.

The AC adaptor for my computer is busted and I have to hold it in place with my foot so that it'll charge. It's getting hot and starting to become uncomfortable. I think I am in a grumpy mood today.

1 Shut your mouth:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

6:36:00 AM  

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