Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Sunday, April 30

So I'll sleep out in the gutter, you can sleep here on the floor.

I've been listening to Neutral Milk Hotel a LOT lately. Maybe too much. Andrew, did you play them for me, like, a gazillion (3) years ago? They sound so familiar and perfect right now. What the crack, WHY did they only put out two albums?

Oh, oh, speaking of sounding perfect, I love live jazz! I forgot! I love Ellis magical piano jazz. I even love the old, white, bald, laughs-at-our-own-horribly-bad-jokes Wisconsin man jazz. I ran into Mister Marsalis himself as I was leaving to take the cash back to the box office. I could have sworn he was still on stage playing with the rest of the band, but there he was in the lobby of the chapel, wandering around and seeming slightly confused. I was shy and giggley and felt like a starstruck little kid. I guess that's what I am around people like him. I scampered away as fast as possible with out being rude. I think he might have been looking for the bathroom, but I will never ever ever know.

I went to Madison with my friend Dan today. He is a funny character. I always go out of my way to say hi to him when I see him around campus, and for a long time I was convinced that he hated me. He always just glares back at me! Finally, one day I asked him why he never says hi back, and he was kind of offended and protested, "Yes I do! I always say hi!" He is the opposite of chivalrous. Our busdriver on the way there was a real jerk to this Indian-looking guy, and when we got off the bus I said to Dan, "Wow, that bus driver was the biggest jerk!" and Dan said, "If I was a bus driver, I would be grumpy too." And then I said "You're already grumpy." And it was true. He could be a wonderfully grumpy bus driver if he wanted to. Other possible career choices for Dan (going along with yesterday's blog entry) include embittered mailman, jaded politician, or Zamboni driver.

When we got inside, Dan asked, "When do you want to meet?" And then he immediately walked away from me before I had a chance to answer. I went ahead into the stacks. I was reeeeally lost for a minute until I realized that the library has more than two floors for books, and that's why the reference section was where the comparative medical studies should have been. I spent a while on the third and a half floor (yeah, between three and four!!) playing with the crazy moving robot shelves. I'm not gonna lie, I found them really frightening at first. I had heard stories, but I don't think I was quite prepared. It's a really cool idea, but it works horribly if there are three people trying to look in three different rows in the same general vicinity. I went up a few more flights of stairs and found that the building is like a giant frankenstein. Each room looks different and like it was designed by a sinister archivist. In the North Stacks on the sixth floor, there are little cages people lock themselves in for studying! I didn't want to go into one because they are seriously the size of a phone booth and I don't know if they lock from the outside or what.

I didn't find a whole lot (in English) on the topic I want to research for my paper, but it's more than we have here at the Beloit Library (i.e. nothing at all). Eventually I found my traveling companion - pure luck, really, in that huge place. On the ride home, we shared an eggroll I bought from an amazingly slow street vendor, and fried rice and wontons.

1 Shut your mouth:

Blogger Andrew Aaron Heathwaite said...


I do listen to NMH, although I've only got 'On Avery Island,' and not the other one. I do not recall specifically if I played them for you a gazillion years ago, but I could have. I got into Olivia Tremor Control first, which shares many band members with NMH, but is rather quite different. Maybe I played that for you. Dunno.


9:05:00 PM  

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