Decisions and Revisions Which a Minute Will Reverse

Tuesday, May 2

Hard and fast.

I don't know what will happen by the time I am done writing this. There's a lot I want to say, but I am wary of long, sprawling online diary entries. I don't really have time to spare, anyhow, but it looks like I'm taking a night off from homework. I was up most of last night pretending to write this paper that wasn't done until this afternoon. When asked in class to summarize what I discovered over the course of my research, my mind went blank. Did I make any academic progress at all? I think I did. The exhaustion makes it all slip away. My professor contributed something to my discussion of medical theory and practice in middle Islam. He said that, according to one of the compilations of Prophetic medicine he had come across, lovesickness was actually considered a bodily ill. Not only that, but the author of the text also suggests two possible cures:

1. Marry your love interest.
2. Look at pictures of ugly naked people.

I really, reeeeeeeally wish I could get my hands on this source. That might be the greatest thing I've learned all semester. I will remember this next time I am stuck waiting by the phone for a boy or [by the] computer as the case may be.

Other funny things happened in class today, too. I'm finally starting to like school again now that it's almost time to go home. It probably is better to not leave on a sour note, though. I will probably look back on these months fondly when I'm all grown up. We always idealize the past in this way.

Two days ago I was sitting in HIST150 and had a really long June 2005 flashback. I knew Blue Mountain Lake was supposed to have some special quality to it, but I didn't know it was going to be like dropping acid. I think I relived every important moment from that month in fast-forward. The smell of the house on the first day I arrived was the most vivid, so near in my memory, that my eyes tingled and began to water. Artichoke sandwhiches. Black fly bites behind my ears. The day we walked down the mountain to the lean-to by the lake, oh my god smoking in the Jeep in the garage and oh - I suddenly snapped out of it and realized I had been zoning out for about twenty minutes. I'm pretty sure I would have witnessed the rest of the summer then if I had let myself.

Other random stuff I wanted to write about here are escaping me at the moment: I broke and then fixed The Internet. Mom says that my dog Tipper, after a few weeks of being relatively well, had another seizure yesterday. She also says I will be home in time for the Tulip Festival. Will need a date for that. My bike is very squeaky from the rain, but it was sunny today so I guess that was okay. My teeth hurt, I hope they are not falling out. I have been battling consumer impulses, and yet still haven't bought Rachael a birthday present. I am a bad sister!!! Or at least an irresponsible one!!! (Surprise, surprise.)

Speaking of which, tomorrow night I get effed out of my head with all my Beloit bfffy's in celebration of the end (almost) and of half of them being off-campus all of next year. It will be a welcome vacation from sobriety. Until then...

Alex just called me "babytron." I'm sure no comment is necessary, but if I was to make one, it would involve many little chirps and trills.

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